1 (800) 461-1847

Mag Drills & Punches

Unibor Carbide-tip Cutters

Suitable for drilling aluminum, brass, cast iron and stainless steel

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  • Tri-blade teeth with micro-grain carbide tips, providing a smooth and vibration free cut
  • Able to resist higher temperatures , TCT cutters glide through the toughest of materials
  • Ideal for tough alloys & hardened steels, perfect for bridge repair and truck chassis

Specifications Table

Diameter 1″ DOC 2” DOC 3” DOC 4” DOC 6” DOC 8” DOC
1/2” 27116 27216
9/16” 27118 27218
5/8” 27120 27220
11/16” 27122 27222 27322
3/4” 27124 27224 27324 27424
13/16” 27126 27226 27326 27426 27626 27826
7/8” 27128 27228 27328 27428 27628 27828
15/16” 27130 27230 27330 27430 27630 27830
1” 27132 27232 27332 27432 27632 27832
1 1/16” 27134 27234 27334 27434 27634 27834
1 1/8” 27136 27236 27336 27436 27636 27836
1 3/16” 27138 27238 27338 27438 27638 27838
1 1/4” 27140 27240 27340 27440 27640 27840
1 5/16” 27142 27242 27342 27442 27642 27842
1 3/8” 27144 27244 27344 27444
1 7/16” 27146 27246 27346 27446
1 1/2” 27148 27248 27348 27448
1 9/16” 27250 27350 27450
1 5/8” 27252 27352 27452
1 11/16” 27254 27354 27454
1 3/4” 27256 27356 27456
1 13/16” 27258 27358 27458
1 7/8” 27260 27360 27460
1 15/16” 27262 27362 27462
2” 27264 27364 27464
2 1/16” 27266 27366
2 1/8” 27268 27368
2 3/16” 27270 27370
2 1/4” 27272 27372
2 5/16” 27274 27374
2 3/8” 27276 27376
2 7/16” 27278 27378
2 1/2” 27280 27380
2 9/16” 27282 27382
2 5/8” 27284 27384
2 11/16” 27286 27386
2 3/4” 27288 27388
2 13/16” 27290 27390
2 7/8” 27292 27392
2 15/16” 27294 27394
3” 27296 27396

Delivery Reach

We deliver throughout North America. From the moment an order is received, our total focus is to ensure deliveries are shipped out as soon as possible and meet the exact specifications requested.

Need Assistance

Not sure how to operate your equipment? Don’t know which model is best for your project? If you have any technical questions, please feel free to call us at 1 (800) 461-1847.